Tuesday Weekly Social Club

Look Forward To Meeting Up With Friends Every Week

Be creative and have a laugh

Don’t Be Lonely! Be inspired to get out and meet new people!

Join our weekly Social Club and join us every Tuesday from 10am-12pm.

A fantastic opportunity to enjoy some time out and experiment in the world of pottery.

Here’s the chance to have a go at painting those gorgeous larger bisque pieces in your own time. Then perhaps build something out of clay over a few weekly sessions and have it fired, ready to paint the following week.

Even have a go on the wheel throwing a pot, or hand build a plate and complete it on the wheel. Have it fired and paint it the following week.

Experience carving into leatherhard clay, creating a completely unique piece of pottery.

Dabble in various painting mediums, not available in our normal painting sessions. The ideas are endless! Finish one project and get excited about the next.

This wonderful friendly, fun, yet therapeutic experience is what you will get when joining our weekly social club.

Pay just £10 each week and then pay for any bisque piece or block of clay you require to create your projects, as and when. Use of paints and brushes and all firings are included. The company and guidance from our other club members and our team of staff is completely free! Hot and cold drinks and snacks available!

What more could you ask for!

To book your place in our Social Club please fill in our contacts form and we will be in touch to sign you up!

We look forward to welcoming you!

Book Your Place Here
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